Shirt Send in Nepal

Old Shirts, New Lives

Shirt Send is a non-profit charity committed to sending sports kit across the globe, to give people of all ages the opportunity to participate in sport.

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Our Mission

We’re committed to providing every individual, regardless of their circumstances with greater opportunities to participate in sport. By providing high quality sports kit, footwear and equipment, participation in sport can be successfully achieved.

This will create pathways for people of all ages to enjoy sport, develop their skills, be more physically active and promote better health and well-being.

Myanmar Refugee Camp
Myanmar Refugee Camp Kankanok 1 Located in Thailand

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How To Get Involved?

Success Wall

View Our Success Wall To See Where We Have Shipped Kit In The Last Year!

Our Partners

We are immensely grateful to our partners for their generous donations of essential kits, enabling us to further our mission and make a meaningful difference.