Shirt Send Is Born: Vol 0.1

Founded in November 2022, Shirt Send is now a registered charity shipping sports kits and equipment across the globe.

Although a UK charity, Shirt Send’s story begins in Southeast Asia when co-founder Fin was following in the footsteps of many solo backpackers visiting countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

Shirt Send Is Born
Original Notes From Fin’s Long Bus Journey

It was in locations such as Laos, Thailand, and Indonesia where he continually noticed children participating in sports with insufficient kits and equipment.

This inspired an idea during a twelve-hour bus journey, where he wrote a plan in his iPhone notes, brainstorming ways a charity could make a difference in these countries. He titled it “Shirt Send.”

After returning to the UK with a plan to launch a charity, he shared it with his flatmate and now co-founder Louis, who was able to add his own ideas from having travelled Southeast Asia previously.

Together, they agreed that Shirt Send could be a legitimate non-profit charity that sends kits from the UK to countries that lack access to sports equipment.

Shirt Send Early Days
Early Days Of Shirt Send In Our University Flat

The first actions they took were adding to the iPhone notes page Fin created, answering questions such as “how could this help people?” and “will shipment be a problem?”

Shirt Send’s First Social Media Post

Next, they wrote the first steps needed, which included:

  • Is there is anyone else doing this?
  • Finding out shipping costs
  • Setting up social media
  • Create logo and branding
  • Creating a marketing plan
  • Use personal network to source kit

We also reached out to a friend Prashan to design our first logo. This features a globe detailed as a football with a plane circling it.

With our logo and branding done, it was time to launch our social media!

Due to Fin having a background in social media marketing, he was able to establish a good base on social media connecting with a variety of organisations.

Surprisingly fast, the account gathered traction, specifically on Instagram, and began even receiving requests for kit donations to foundations in Africa!

Our next blog will share the details of Shirt Send’s first kit donations and how our first shipment to Bangkok became a reality.

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